'Throne Of Blood': Kurosawa's Shakespeare Inspired Film

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Kurosawa’s Shakespeare Inspired Film In the film Throne of Blood by Akira Kurosawa the impact of Shakespeare becomes evident to its spectators. By carefully laying out this motion picture, Kurosawa conquers to deliver his audience a very well executed Shakespeare based film. One which both resembles, and differentiates, from the known play Macbeth. In analyzing both Throne of Blood and Macbeth, there is no doubt that there is some resemblance between the two. For instance, both the film and play include a figure which is responsible for revealing a characters fate. In Macbeth it happens to be the three witches. In the film, Throne of Blood, it is the old hag.Another similarity between the two is the importance of nature. Shakespeare represents …show more content…

The most substantial one being the differences in culture. For example, Shakespeare seems to have based his play on Greek mythology. A conclusion that can easily be reached with the representation of the three witches. Due to the fact, that the three witches act as a representation of the three fates that are continuously present throughout Greek mythology. Meanwhile, though, Kurosawa chooses to take a different route by bringing in Japanese culture. Which, indeed, is accomplished by the use of Noh theatre. Such elements that represent this Japanese folklore are, the hag spinning a wheel and singing about fate, and the facial expressions inspired by the Noh masks. Also, one can take into account the differences in execution. While Shakespeare’s play may be text based, Kurosawa bases his film on Noh gestures. Such as, when Washizu sees Miki 's ghost and actively begins to attack it. Finally, one last major difference is noted in the ending results of each work. Shakespeare, for instance, chooses to inform us that the universe will one day be set right again. That is, when a good king finally takes the throne. However, Kurosawa’s film ends in complete despair. Acknowledging the ruins of a castle that was once appreciated by