Tiananmen Square Massacre Essay

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THE BIG IDEA In 1989, the Chinese government went into a government “Crackdown”. The Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989 (also known as the June 4th movement) was caused by people innocently protesting for democracy in Beijing. China is ran under a communist government and the 1.2 million people who protested for democracy were really aiming for the government to be less controlling. From before Spring of 1989 to the current day, the communism in China is a big issue. COMMUNISM IN CHINA 1989 Communism is a form of socialism, where everyone is governed the same. This eliminates the social classes, and different economical issues countries commonly face. Communism over time developed to be worse for the Chinese citizens after Hu Yaobang died. HU YAOBANG THE PEOPLE AFFECTED The people wanted progression and to feel safe in their country after they realized the truth of the country. The fight for democracy, wasn’t to overthrow the government but it was to prevent complete government control. The citizens who started this protest (a hundred thousand …show more content…

Starting in April was when the people of China were ready to protest in favor for the future of the country due to Hu Yaobang’s death. People were in favor of his leadership because of his political system ideas. Like said, countries who followed Democracy were ideal for citizens in China. Which caused the students to start to protest throughout April. In order to be heard about the ideas of Democracy in China, students went on a “hunger strike”. People were joining the protest which got the government’s attention. Zhao Ziyang (Secretary of Communist party) and pleaded for the end of the Protest, later that day the country was put under martial law by Premier Li Peng (May 19,1989). After the marital law was in effect, countries heard about what was going on in China which caused big media attention. (Vidal, June

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