Ticking Thyme Bomb: A Bibliography On Food Bomb Bibliography

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Ticking Thyme Bomb: A Bibliography on Food Waste
Holthaus, Eric. "Stop Buying in Bulk." Slate. The Slate Group, 30 June 2015. Web. 30 November 2015.
Shopping in bulk causes you to waste more food and money. 40 percent of America’s food supply becomes thrown away per day. Dairy, breads, meats, fruits and vegetables are the top foods discarded. Total cost of food waste for consumers is $162 billion. About $1,300 to $2,300 per family per year. Food waste takes up one of the largest share of the nation’s landfills and adds about 20 percent of the country’s methane emissions. Buying less groceries and going more often to the grocery store would be the most beneficial to reducing food waste.
Case, Steve. "The Future of Food Is Food." Recode. Vox Media, 8 June 2015. Web. 30 November 2015.
Soylent, an engineered powdered …show more content…

"Food Wastage Footprint." Sustainability Pathways: Food Loss and Waste. Food and Agriculture Organizations of the United Nations, 9 Sept. 2014. Web. 30 Nov. 2015.
A third of the food produced today becomes thrown away. But, by 2050 the world will need to increase its food production by 60 percent to feed all the people. The total cost of food wastage is near 2.6 trillion dollars, including environmental costs and social costs.
Food and Agriculture Organizations of the United Nations. “Food Wastage Footprint.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 11 Sept. 2013. Web 30 Nov. 2015.
28 percent of the world’s crops go to waste. The amount of water used to water these crops, is enough to supply the entire world’s households with their basic water needs. The amount of greenhouse gases released by wasted food would come in third behind China and the United States. Instead of wasting blemished produce, grocery stores could sell it at a discounted price or give it to those who need food.
Bambrick, Gail. "Price Check on Aisle 9." Tufts Now. Tufts University, 17 Aug. 2011. Web. 30 Nov.

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