Tim O Brien: A Short Story

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I’ve never heard a war story that hasn’t made me clench or cry. Museums about war specifically, because they always give you a different view from what you normally see in movies. Tim O'Brien's the things we carried showed an aspect of war that you don’t normally see. Do you ever wonder what it is that soldiers would want to die with if they were to die. Or what they think is the most important item they own that will always need to be with them. Before this story, I never thought about it. Soldiers are human beings that risk there life, they probably have someone back home or something they think is an absolute necessity to have on them. When they're scared they probably have a picture, a letter, or even food to give them just the smallest …show more content…

This stuff animal was my best friend, it was black with a white belly it had nice long legs and arms and it was a monkey. I took it everywhere with me, until one day I lost it. I had seen the same monkey stuffed animal all of the place but I knew it wasn’t the same animal. So, I found a knew thing to love and comfort me, and that was my blanket. My mother gave me this blanket for christmas. It is gray with fake fur and a nice soft side. I take this blanket with me to hotels, family occasions, vacations, and normally just to bed. Although I am an adult, and don’t need my blanket to fall asleep. I do like to have my blanket so it gives me warmth and comfort at night. This blanket reminds me of the green plastic poncho the solders used in the story, something that kept them warm and comfortable. In Ted Lavender's case, something that gave him hope after he had gotten …show more content…

But, my favorite food makes me less worried, or less stressed. When I was in my deepest stage on my depression it seemed like although my world was empty my tummy was full and happy. My favorite food are tacos, but you can’t just walk around eating tacos all day. But, at any chance I would make tacos or get taco bell. Food is a big comfort zone for many like myself. Food was a comfort zone for Harry Dobbin, who would carry peaches in heavy syrup to pour over his pound cake. This was Harry's favorite food, he would eat it because it made him comfortable. These men are going through a very scary life threatening time and they need something to keep them comfortable and