Tim O Brien Quotes And Analysis

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Tim O’Brien’s thoughts about the war in the first seven chapters were honest. Tim does not like the I Idea of war, “No war is worth losing your life for” (21). He cherishes his life more than risking it out on the battlefield. When O’Brien meets with the chaplain, he told him how he felt about the war, “I believe human life is very valuable… Chaplain, I think the war is wrong. I should not fight in it” (56). He knows his mind and what he should or sound not fight for. O'Brien was more realistic with the chaplain and told him to stop trying to change his mindset, “I’m sorry to say this, I don’t think you’ll change my mind” (57). O’Brian is a powerful character and knows how he feels about the war. He disagrees with the Idea of violence. O’Brian’s