Time Management Of Time: Well Informed And Resourceful Nurse

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Time is one of the most important aspects of life. Time management is used to deliver care at prescribed intervals as well as critical emergent care to patients that are a priority. Time management is the best way of using your time to accomplish professional goals in every environment, especially in nursing, and it directly promotes nurses to perform daily activities satisfactorily and progress in their work at a safe and efficient manner. When nurses are unable to prioritize patients and deliver care a possible result such as a medical error will occur, and to avoid these errors, examples of time management will be presented. Using the information about what time management is how to use time management in this essay and how to manage time will make new nurses well informed and resourceful nurses. Time management is the best method of using time to achieve the personal …show more content…

This definition outlines what is being practiced in every hospital in the country because nursing today is a mix of high acuity patients, involved families and technology advances that are spreading the nurse’s attention and time thin. Having to transport their own patients receive new orders and execute new orders. The nurse isn’t even able to interact and have a connection with their patient because they have to care for five other patients and even more in some facilities. New nurses at hospitals that have high patient turnover, where as soon as a patient gets discharged a new patient is being admitted. they may not know which patient should be seen first or how to organize their day with all these stressors. Time management techniques promote job performance, provide more time to carry

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