
Tiresias In Sophocles Oedipus The King

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In the story Oedipus Rex written by Sophocles a man does not want to face his identity. The citizens of Thebes begged king Oedipus to help them because he was the one who had dealt with the sphinks. Oedipus sent Creon to the oracle to get help from Apollo, Creon arrived and reports that the oracle says that they need to find the former kings killer. Oedipus trys to find out imformation. Oedipus welcomes Tiresias but Tiresias wish he never went. Tiresias reveals that Oedipus is the wound that causes all of Thebes pain and suffering. Oedipus thinks that Tiresias is plotting against him with Creon, he also accuses Creon of plotting but Creon defends himself. Jocosta stands up for Creon, but Oedipus still complains to Jocosta about Creon. Jocosta tries to calm Oedipus down by telling him that oracles can bewrong at times. …show more content…

Oedipus and Jocosta agreed that they should both wait to hear what the Shepherd had to say. The citizens and people are doubting the oracles and the gods. The herald from Corinth comes to tell Oedipus and Jocasta that polypus died and that the Corinthians want Oedipus to be there King. Oedipus finds out that he did not kill polypus, but he still fears the oracle. The Herald tells Oedipus that m+p are not his parents, and he testifies to Oedipus’s identity. Jocosta feels horror as she realizes the truth of Oedipus but she still wants to protect him because she loves

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