Tiri Short Story Discussion Questions

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iri Tiri is a short story written by Phil Kawana. My focussing question that I have chosen to write formally about is question 5. “Describe at least one challenge faced by a character or individual in the written text. Explain how this challenge helped you to understand the character or individual”. One challenge faced by tiri in the text was the darkness that followed him throughout his whole life. This challenge caused him to act differently and show no emotion towards others. Being raised on an abusive home gave tiri the opportunity to find a pathway of aggression and force. “And always the darkness just wrapped itself around me, black and bitter. I made her do what I wanted and it felt good. I thought about my old man and about the teachers at school, and all the other assholes who made me do what they wanted because I was just a dumb black ass. Then I looked down at the rich white b**** doing what I told her and I wrapped the darkness around her as well”. This goes to show that relationship between him …show more content…

Vanessa was the only person who taught him to force aside the darkness and live. Tiri gave his all to her and even did things that made her happy. He was a changed man. Until he saw her lying in bed with another man. “The darkness crashed in like the world was ending. Honestly, I can’t remember much except the feeling. Like you’ve just had your balls chopped off and everyone in the world is standing there laughing at you. Dumb blackass.” From there, the darkness wrapped itself around him. His past came back to haunt him. “Nothing has changed ever since I was a kid. Nothing will ever change.” Tiri helped me to understand the feeling that he experienced. The fact that he went through all this drama just to please one girl. I think that tiri helped me to see that through darkness there is happiness but overall darkness will still stay within you no matter who comes