Titanic Persuasive Essay

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One cold night in the Atlantic Ocean, a supposedly unsinkable man-made behemoth, fashioned out of steel and advertised as being unsinkable, crashed into an iceberg which ripped open its great hull, and caused it to plummet to the bottom of the ocean. This is the disaster of the Titanic, an accident that ended the lives of 3,000 men and women who believed the ship unsinkable. White Star Line, the company responsible for this disaster, devised an evil scheme, one that they hoped would save their struggling company from bankruptcy. Many explanations detail the reason that the Titanic had been banished to an icy grave. Theories long supported the idea that the Titanic really did sink, but shockingly, many of those who have studied and analyzed this tragedy, do not share this belief. They believe that White Star, instead, swapped the Titanic with its sister ship, the Olympic, and the clear evidence supported and proved, in all respects, what really …show more content…

White Star Line announced construction on the Titanic on January 12, 1911 (Spignesi xviii). Coincidentally, the Olympic was also under construction at the same time. The two liners were sister ships and almost identical, with only several, small differences. One of the most noticeable was the ships' portholes. The Titanic had 14 evenly spaced portholes while in dry dock; the Olympic had 16 unevenly spaced portholes. However, all pictures showing the launch of the Titanic portrays a ship with 16 unevenly spaced portholes instead of 14 equally spaced portholes. (The Ship That Never Sunk). Why this discrepancy? If the Titanic originally had only 14 portholes, what would prompt the construction crew to add two extra? Many others claim that the reason the portholes on the boat that sank, don't match with the ones on the Titanic, claim that the builders of the Titanic added two private galleries to the front of the ship, resulting in a change of the B class windows (The Olympic

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