Title IX And Women In Sports Essay

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"I have often been asked whether I am a woman or an athlete. The question is absurd. Men are not asked that. I am an athlete. I am a women."-Billie Jean King Title IX is a law that has help women everywhere, including Billie Jean King. Women and girls everywhere are grateful for the law, before the law was made work, sports, and education was unfair to women and girls. Once Title IX was created girls and women can participate in the same activities and sports an men. Girls and women everywhere are affected by Title IX, they are so grateful for the law. Women’s sports were very different before Title IX because girls were not encouraged or sometimes even allowed to play the same sports as men. Women’s clothing was restrictive which …show more content…

“More than 400 men’s athletic teams have been eliminated as a result of Universities needing to become NCAA compliant.”(Athnet, Lancaster). Many people want to change Title IX, because Title IX “hurting opportunities for male athletes”(Athnet, Lancaster). Although Title IX affects male athletes, the conflict and compromise may also affect others. This topic relates to conflict and compromise in many different ways. Women wanted the same rights in sports as the men did. The colleges then had a right to place women in nursing and medical care. Bernie Sanders known as the Godmother of Title IX was the woman who thought of the short law of 37 words title IX.People wanted title ix to only be for education but it aplings to much more than just education. Like sports and careers. Lucky now women athletes are able to to sports without much trouble at all. Funnily the word sport is not even in the law. (Title IX and Gender [50-6:40]). And any failure to the law You may go to the supreme court (Title IX) But women are not aloud to try out for the men's team and if the sport they want to play is not available they may try for the men's team.Thanks to everyone who was part of creating title 9 we can have a more friendly place for each gender to play sports. Though we still can upgrade women sports in many