
To Kill A Mockingbird Alienation Quotes

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Tayla Cahoon

In To Kill A Mockingbird it is children who have not yet learned to be blind, and an minority that have vision to see, see the injustice in their own town, that struggle the most because they do not fade with everyone else. In To Kill A Mockingbird there is an important theme of alienation and unjust treatment. The fight to show his children to not judge and be respectful is represented through Atticus’s efforts. In To Kill A Mockingbird alienation is illustrated through the treatment of characters such as Arthur Radley and Tom Robinson. Throughout the novel there are countless instances of societal discrimination toward these characters. Intolerance and ignorance in society is the cause of alienation. While gossip and rumors …show more content…

This quote is the definition of Maycomb. Everyone gossips and they choose to believe what they hear.This proves that the character (society) is a monster because of the prejudice. Society talks and talks and only listens when there something they can twist and turn, not really knowing how if effects Arthur. This quote links to the archetypes of monsters. One of the archetypes is to cause harm to people or something and society is causing Arthur to be closed off and are the source of hs many problems. This ties back to my thesis because it shows how blind everyone is and they only listen for what they want to hear. This ties to social discrimination because if they hear one bad thing about yo, they believe it is true. “people said he went out at night when the moon was down, and peeped in windows” (9).This quote is a description of something that people say Author does. In reality no one knows what he does because he stay in his house. Once again this shows that society is the monster. This proves that society is the monster because this is just a rumor, a rumor that gets blow way into proportion and got people scared of Author. This quote links to the archetypes of monsters. One of the archetypes is to cause harm to people or something and society is causing Arthur to be closed off and are the source of hs many problems.This quote ties back to my thesis because after hearing this about Arthur they alienate him from the town and act like he is not human. "Scout Finch's daddy defends niggers, I denied it but told Jem" (99). This quote shows that many of the older folks in Maycomb dislike the African Americans very strongly. This opinion was rubbing off on the younger generations now as well. This proves that society is a monster because everything is rumors nothing is true, society is making a 7 year old question her father which could end badly if she stops believing in him. This quote

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