To Kill A Mockingbird is a novel written by Harper Lee and The Outsiders is a novel written by S. E. Hinton. These books both have many similarities and differences. For instance, they both have a lot of prejudice in them, but different types. In TKAM, it is more racial and in The Outsiders it is more social prejudice. There are many more similarities and differences. A few similarities between these novel are that there is prejudice, the main characters have moral dilemmas, some of the characters seem to start out “bad,” but towards the end they become better, and the narrators of the novels both love to read. “‘You read a lot, don’t you, Ponyboy?’ Cherry Asked” (S. E. Hinton, The Outsiders). “....We’ve been readin’ and writin’ longer’n they have” (Harper Lee, TKAM). This shows that the narrators in these novels both like to read and are good at it. In the world today, many …show more content…
TKAM’s setting was in the 1930’s and in a fictional town in Alabama. As was The Outsiders, it was set in the 1960’s. Although the two books have quite a bit of prejudice, they have different types. In The Outsiders, the prejudice used is more of a social prejudice. They had groups of boys separated because of their social status, The Greasers and The Socs. The Greasers were “poor” and dirty while The Socs were clean and rich. In TKAM, it uses racial prejudice. Because it is set in the 1930’s, there is bound to be more hate towards colored people, since it was during the Great Depression. These prejudices are still happening in the world today. Racial prejudice is still used mostly in the South today and social is used all around the world. For example, schools and social media. In California, some people cannot get jobs because they have a low amount of followers on a social media page. In schools, there are many cliques. The jocks, the nerds, the popular/pretty people, and the in between-ers. Prejudice is definitely still used