
To Kill A Mockingbird, By Harper Lee

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Good morning people of Maycomb County. My name is Clara Tax and it’s my honor to be before you today as a prosecutor in this crucial case. On the 21st of November last year, 19 year old Mayella Ewell said she was raped by a black man by the name of Tom Robinson. She told the people on the jury that she was chucked to the floor, choked, and taken advantage of. But the truth is that Mayella Ewell committed the crime of perjury. Mayella had many reasons for committing this crime, including the fear that if she told the truth, she would be punished for it. Mayella swore that the evidence she gave would be the truth, but because of her dishonesty, she killed an innocent black man. Once you have heard the evidence I am confident you will see how …show more content…

Judge Taylor said, “Don't be ‘fraid of anyone here, as long as you tell the truth” (Lee 204). Mayella says to Atticus Finch, “Won’t answer a word you say long as you keep on mockin’ me” (Lee 206). Along with that, Mayella says, “No. I don’t remember if he hit me. I mean yes I do, he hit me. Yes, he hit—I just don’t remember it all happening so quickly” (Lee 210). A while later the same thing happened when Mayella said, “I don’t know how he did it, but he did it—I said it all happened so fast I —” (Lee 211). Throughout the trial, Mayella was very uncertain about what was happening and how to set her story straight. She used the words it all happened so quickly and it happened so fast to back her up for not knowing her exact story. She even blamed the opposing lawyer, Atticus Finch, for mocking her to distract the jury from the case at large. Now, Mayella may argue that she was lying to protect herself from the negative consequences that could follow. To me lying shows that you are weak. If Mayella can lie and be dishonest in court, what makes you think she doesn’t do it in everyday life? Secondly, Mayella could argue that Atticus was mocking her, but Atticus was

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