To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee: Character Analysis

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Izzy Trafelet Epley Eng. 10 - 2 23 Oct. 2015 To Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee shows a lot about the situations happening in The Town of Maycomb. The characters all show great quality in characteristics to make the story interesting. The discrimination shows how colored people were judged and how we shouldn’t judge that way. The civil rights movement shows an important part of American history and how we should be grateful for it. For the reasons that follow I agree to why we should be learning and reading this book. For one, the characters show an archetypal background Each one represents the good and the bad. This shows how people acted and behaved around particular situations. Atticus plays a huge role and shows the same characteristics just as any other father or lawyer in a case. Although this case is different it still helps ninth and tenth graders see how things how people were treated and judged. We can’t just not simply …show more content…

If we didn’t read this book and see the way they were treated we would still be constantly treating black people this way. We can all relate to these situations where black people could be easily criticized, but since many people have learned that these behaviors are wrong we choose not to use them that way. That is the good thing about teaching this book to us young readers. We take advantage of our differences and use them against people. This book shows us how that could be a problem. Atticus states to Scout, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… until you climb into his skin and walk around in it (39).” This quote could be talking about Tom Robinson and how no one understood things from his point of view because they didn’t want to because he was black. We need to see these situations so we realise what is wrong with them so they won’t ever repeat