
To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 5 Analysis

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To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 5 Writing Assignment Adults often times influence our way of thinking, even instilling prejudicial views. In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird the author, Harper Lee, uses the character's views on religion to make that point. Jem and Scout would often sit on Miss Maudie’s porch and have discussions, one which was about Arthur Radley. One day Scout asked “do you think Boo Radley’s still alive?” (57). Miss Maudie, getting defensive, answers that Arthur Radley is still alive and stays in his house all the time because he is a “foot-washing Baptist” (59). Miss Maudie continues discussing foot-washing baptist saying that “foot-washing baptist believe anything that’s pleasure is a sin” and that “...some of ‘em came
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