To Kill A Mockingbird Thomas Pryor Language Analysis

791 Words4 Pages

Christopher Mills - Thomas Pryor

Context for any novel is critical because it sets the scene and tone for the reader, it creates a mindset and a perception and as the reader engages more with the story they are able to visualize in their own mind what is taking place on the pages. With the book, To Kill A Mockingbird written by Harper Lee in 1960, it is through the eyes of a child even though it is written by the adult Harper Lee discussing the differences between the black and white races, the treatment towards black people in the nineteen thirties.

The issue of prejudice is prevalent in the book. Although it is highlighted throughout, it is very evident in the discussion that Scout has with her father once Scout had started school, Scout …show more content…

This is evidenced as Atticus gives reason to Jem and Scout that the judicial system gives a clear demonstration for to much bias where as a court of law should be showing no prejudice in that environment “the one place where a man out to get a square deal is in a courtroom, be he any colour of the rainbow, but people have a way of carrying their resentments right into a jury box.” Each person should approach the court without a view and consider all of the evidence brought forward. Unfortunately, in this novel, the judge, jury and lawyers already had preconceived ideas about what had happened. Atticus provided a powerful closing argument at Tom Robinson’s trial. He reminded everyone that they had a duty of equality although the decision did not go in Tom Robinson’s favour. “Our courts have our faults, as does any human institution, but in this country our courts are the great levelers, and in our courts all men are created equal.” His message was loud and clear but the outcome did not have the desired …show more content…

It was largely about racism and prejudice during the Great Depression in the 1930’s. Exploring many themes namely prejudice, law and courage. In Scout’s mind everyone was equal but in those times not everyone in Alabama felt the same. It is a sin to kill innocent people as she portrays the story through the issues of race, class and gender inequality that can resonate with the readers. While Some of these issues still exist in today 's society, the issues were also brought to the attention of the nation, appealing to everyone 's conscience regarding equal rights for every