
To Kill A Mockingbird Dialectical Journal

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1. The title is To Kill A Mockingbird. 2. The author is Harper Lee. 3. The genre is fiction. 4. The narrative point of view is first person. 5. The author’s use of time and place is very effective. This story could not take place anywhere or at any point in time. It has to happen somewhere where blacks are segregated and it has to take place in a small town because everyone knows each other. The setting is Maycomb the entire time but the place they are in, in the town changes many times. It changes because the blacks are in a different part of the town and also it changes because they go to different places in the town. 6. Scout and Jem are raised by their father in a small town in the city of Maycomb. The kids are very interested …show more content…

Atticus, Jem, Scout, Tom Robinson, and Boo Radley are all main characters. Atticus is very down to earth and does what is right not what the society thinks is right. Jem is like his father and wants to do what is right but he is also athletic and likes to play sports. Scout is unique in the way of being very curios and wanting to know everything. Tom is a very nice guy who just wanted to help but was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Boo is very quiet and doesn’t really know what the world outside is like because he was in his house for so long. He is also very nice. All of the characters are believable. They all have normal human like qualities which makes them believable. One minor important character is Calpurnia, she acts as the mom the kids never had. Another minor important character is Dill because without him they most likely would not have tried so hard to get Boo Radley to come out of his …show more content…

The basic conflict is the concept of racism in the community, throughout the story everything is segregated and most of the book is in the court which the African American is proven innocent, and everyone knows it but the jury comes out and says he is guilty because they are racist. It is an external and internal conflict. They thought of it internally but they express the conflict externally. Some other conflicts include the conflict of Bob Ewell trying to kill Jem, and Aunt Alexandra not wanting the kids to go places with Calpurnia. 11. The theme is that you cannot just judge a person by things that you hear about them. 12. One major symbol is the mockingbird; it represents good people that just try to help. Another symbol is the snowman made of snow and dirt; it represents racism in the town. 13. The title means that if you try and hurt someone or get someone in trouble that only try’s to help that it is a sin. 14. Towards the beginning of the book the tone is childish because they are acting like kids and trying to get Boo Radley to come out using ridiculous methods to get him out, like using the fishing pole to get the letter through the window. Another is how Scout and Jem fight many times throughout the book about little problems that are not worth fighting about. The tone changes quite a few times throughout the

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