To Kill A Mockingbird Feminism

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Women are strong, stronger than most men if you ask me, not necessarily physically, but emotionally, able to handle more pain. You don’t believe me? Here are a few examples: women carry around a baby for nine months, they work/walk in high heeled shoes for days on end, they are amazing multi taskers, struggling to live up to the standards that society has set up for them, how to look, how to act, who to marry, what job to have, and countless other representations. In the time period of To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, Scout, our main character and narrator, combats with wanting to be who she wants, a “do what I want” tomboy, while society tries to make her a nice southern lady. Scout commonly wrestles with feminism throughout the story. …show more content…

For as long as history goes back, to the time when people started wearing clothes, women were told how to dress. Sporting a dress was what was most common for women to be wearing until the mid twentieth century. From then on, jeans, shorts and other articles of clothing previously thought to be for men or inappropriate for women was somewhat socially acceptable. Scout Finch clashes with these social norms constantly, especially with her aunt, “Aunt Alexandra was fanatical on the subject of my attire. I could not possibly hope to be a lady if I wore breeches” (Lee 81). Women are still contesting with what to wear in the workplace. Finding the balance of professionalism and still being feminine is a hard one to come by. You don’t want your heels too high, skirt too short, top too low cut, but you also can’t just wear a suit like a man can. “A man has a uniform, he knows what to wear, when,” she said. “A woman has a disarray of clothing choices, so there is more of a chance that they won’t be able to project credibility through their image. Too little makeup, overdone makeup, long hair, an untidy looking bag, jangling jewelry, too much perfume — all of these things will take their credibility down a notch” (Chapman, New York Times). This quote is from Ms. Lynne Marks, the president of the London Image Institute, which helps women find their image and what is appropriate for them to wear at work. At the age of nine, Scout is asked what she wants to be when she grows up, this is her answer and the commentary that follows: “‘... Nome, just a lady.’ Miss Stephanie eyed me suspiciously… ‘Well you won’t get very far until you start wearing dresses more often” (Lee 230). This is just another illustration of what society thinks a woman should look like.The endeavor of this what to wear, what not to wear is one that will go on forever, for every generation of women to enter the