To Kill A Mockingbird Movie Scene Analysis

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Although there are some minor scene changes, there are still some important scenes left out. In the movie, Jem was looking in the hole and Mr. Radley had filled the hole up in front of Jem. But, in the book Mr. Radley had filled the hole up out of sight. One important scene that was drastically changed was where Tom Robinson had gotten shot. In the book, Tom Robinson was shot 17 times because he was trying to escape from prison. In the movie, Tom was only shot once. This was a drastic change because racism is prominent throughout the book. They had shot Tom 17 times because he was a colored man and they shot to kill. There are also many characters that appear in the book, but either are mentioned or aren 't even in the movie. One person is Aunt Alexandra and another is Cecil. …show more content…

Once the play is finished and Jem and Scout are on their way home, they hear footsteps. Quickly coming to a conclusion, they believe it is Cecil trying to scare them again. But instead, it is Bob Ewell. If Cecil had not scared them beforehand, then when Jem and Scout hear the footsteps they could have run away before anything bad would 've happened. Miss Maudie 's house had burned in the book. This had caused Scout to go outside to see what was going on and making Boo Radley give Scout a blanket because it is cold out. In the movie, Miss Maudie 's had does not burn, so this interaction between Scout and Boo does not happen. This interaction helps move the plot along to prove that Boo isn 't a mean, creepy person, but instead a kind, caring