To Kill A Mockingbird Religion Analysis

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There was a book when religion influenced the characters, when their actions were determined, and the their words shaped. There was a time when religion caused separation, and the churches were divided, the song was arrogant, and it was all wrong. One man dreamed a dream that religion should motivate us to do good, that God’s love would never die. His hope was high, and his life worth living. This man was Atticus, an island in a sea of misrepresentation of religion. In To Kill A Mockingbird, haughtiness and division seem to dominate religion’s effects, but Atticus’ faith motivates his defense of Tom Robinson.

Humans despise legalism.While first deceptively empowering, it soon proves petty and impossible. This haughty attitude eventually drives people away like the plague. Harper Lee analyzes the religious arrogance of the time powerfully through Miss Maudie’s story. Having …show more content…

Even when confronted with social and physical threats, religion motives him to aid Tom Robinson. He admits his reasons, telling Scout, “This case, Tom Robinson’s case, is something that goes to the essence of a man’s conscience—Scout, I couldn’t go to church and worship God if I didn’t try to help that man.” (139) Instead of causing him to yell at an old lady or divide races, religion convicts Atticus to defend an innocent man. This man held his faith closer than his reputation, and allowed it to influence his thoughts and actions.

At the end of the day it’s a little bit clearer, and that's all you can say for religion influencing To Kill A Mockingbird. It's a struggle, it's a war, and there's various effects on different people. At the end of the day religion is both misrepresented by foot washing baptists and segregated churches, but it also prompts Atticus to stand up for the truth. When Atticus defends Tom Robinson, suddenly religion seems to have a different purpose, somehow full of grace, full of