To Kill A Mockingbird Similarities Between Atticus And Jesus

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Mr. Malter from The Chosen by Chaim Potok and Atticus Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee both possess Christ-like characteristics. Traits such as their accepting nature, respectful mindset, and bravery were woven into their characters by the two brilliant authors. Oftentimes, both fathers struggled to teach and prepare their children for the cruel ways of the fallen world before them, and their lessons rang through the deafening echoes of sin. Consequently, the influence of the similar perspectives of both fathers lead to the main characters staring unflinchingly in the face of hardship. Though the two exceptionally good fathers only come alive through words written on pages, Jesus lived the very real world of his day. Told by the words of maturing protagonists, they evidenced how Atticus Finch and Mr. Malter shaped their lives with their distinct Christ-like natures. Firstly, the younger characters of The Chosen and To Kill A Mockingbird struggled with their ability to comprehend and accept the backgrounds of other people. Yet through the help of Mr. Malter and Atticus, they lovingly welcomed the people around them. Likewise, Jesus manifested an …show more content…

In the first story, the devil tried seducing the Son of God with charm-filled words, yet he valiantly resisted. Later on, Jesus faced his coming demise when he carried a heavy cross on his back, but his influence on the people around him and his incredible determination paid off. Despite all the odds against him, he never once doubted God and evidenced his bravery. Furthermore, Mr. Malter and Atticus decidedly showed their bravery when confronted with tough choices and surged on when the world seemed to turn its back on them. They both saw the difficult struggles accompanying loss in their lives, yet they put on their brave faces, mostly for the people they