To Kill A Mockingbird Social Ladder

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Task #1 – To Kill a Mockingbird Being a member of society inevitably means to be part of a social structure, and Lee’s novel is a prime example of such. Describe the relationships within Maycomb County, and construct the social “hierarchy” of its people. Envision a ladder with different characters at each rung. What groups of people—and families in particular—are above and below one another on this social ladder? Why? Furthermore, examine how Scout interacts with each of these “classes” of people. Does her perception or the manner in which she relates to these people change at all throughout the novel? There are many diverse social classes seen in To Kill a Mockingbird. …show more content…

Early in the book, when Walter Cunningham is invited by Jem to come over for dinner, Scout is rude to him when she notices Walter using a lot of gravy during dinner. However, by the end of the book, Scouts views have changed drastically. After being told by her Aunt Alexandra that she should not invite him over, Scout says, “What if he was kin to us, Aunty?” and later continues by saying “But I want to play with Walter, Aunty, why can’t I?” (Lee 256). In the beginning, Scout would have accepted her Aunt’s denial of her request. However, she continuously asks her Aunt for a full answer, not wanting to abide by her usual biased reasons, showing that her maturity and opinion regarding social status have improved greatly. Task #2 – Bless Me Ultima Part of our nature as humans is our fascination and concern with death. Analyze the motif of death in the novel, explaining how Anaya uses this motif to develop the character of Antonio. How do the deaths in the novel help Antonio more fully understand or appreciate life and grow as a …show more content…

This is because debatably, Tom Robinson never received a fair trial because of his skin color. Scout narrates, “Tom was a dead man the minute Mayella Ewell opened her mouth and screamed” (Lee 276). Because the jury held a biased opinion against him simply because he was black, it is speculated that the conclusion of the trial had been decided before the trial had begun. In Bless me Ultima however, justice was achieved because in the end, good won over evil. Though it costed Ultima and Narciso’s life, Tenorio and his daughters died as well, which is why it can be considered good eventually overpowered

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