
To Kill A Mockingbird Themes

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With over 40 million copies sold across the world, at well over 50 years old, Harper Lee’s ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ without question, remains relevant in today’s society. Through its exposure of deadly racism and prejudice this text represents not only the societal issues of the 1930’s but also the very same issues that have carried through to today’s contemporary society.
Whilst this book may be over 50 years old it does present the appalling behaviour that is still present in today’s society, many issues which should be long gone in a progressive and modern society such as ours. The largest key theme featured in this novel is its racism and prejudice. These key themes can be seen from start to finish throughout the book. Being a novel …show more content…

Closely behind on 34% are students who were born in an English speaking country, but their parents were not. Facts like these should not anywhere near as high, and quite frankly should not exist at all. Research and statistics suggest the everyday 1 in 5 students across Australia experience some form of racism (Alltogethernow, 2017). The most distressing part of all this is that people as young as 12 and 13 are being affected every day by bullying and …show more content…

Seeing racial attacks targeting unsuspecting white people who did nothing to provoke such behaviours. Whilst yes, shooting black people can be fun…. I mean.... is not acceptable, sometimes the nature of the job requires such actions. In training police officers are taught that if they feel like their life is immediately in danger they must act accordingly, and when people cannot follow instructions, this is at the risk own life. Society is far too quick call the racism card as they do not have a proper understanding of the concept and often tend to come across as racists themselves in the process. If these people had bothered to read, assuming that they can in the first place, they may actually understand what they are doing and that it really isn’t racism. They may also understand that what they’re doing is far from acceptable and really advocates what they hate oh so much.
The last major real world example of racism exists in majority of this world and is fuelled by a real threat to our own personal safety. This, is the fear of Muslims. This fear has stirred and grown in the past few years due to the uprising of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in the middle east. The threat posed on the western worlds is part of the ISIS scheme, this scheme involves planned terrorist attacks, informal and unplanned attacks on random members of the general

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