To Kill A Mockingbird: US Court System

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Aleks Chomenko
November 16, 2014
To Kill a Mockingbird – Co-Writing Activity
Before reading the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” our opinion on the U.S. court system was based on a Hollywood image. Like many other people our image of America evolved from fictional creations on film. In the Hollywood version, lawyers are brave heroes who will fight for your rights. In reality most lawyers are not brave enough to fight the judicial corruption, even if you are innocent and being threatened. The novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” opened our eyes to the fact that the American legal system can make errors, the fact that innocent people can become victims of the American legal system, and that there is no recourse against crime and fraud by judges and lawyers in America. …show more content…

There are many reasons for a person to be prosecuted for a crime they did not commit. The most common one is a mistake in the investigation, or lack of investigation. In 1983, 19 year old Henry McCollum and 15 year old Leon Brown were charged with the rape and murder of 11 year old Sabrina Buie. McCollum and Brown served three decades in a US prison for a rape and murder they did not commit. The convictions were overturned by Superior Court Judge Douglas Sasser on September 2end, 2014 in result of DNA from a different man being found on a cigarette butt left near the body of the slain girl. The sadness and grief will remain with them forever in result of a investigation that was not thorough