
To What Extent Is 1984 Still Relevant Today

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Nichole Butt
Mrs. Rajala
Eng. 12CP Eng. Lit. 2A
26 Apr 2023
1984 - Still Relevant? George Orwell's novel 1984 has clearly made a lasting impression over several decades, as it is still a required read in our American high schools today and the ideas and concepts portrayed in the novel are more relevant and concerning than ever. There is no way Orwell would have known that his fictional novel would have made its way through all those decades, and still challenge his readers to think about the potential reality of a society gone bad. Many describe the book as a dystopian society, which is really defined as an imaginary place where life is extremely bad and unpleasant. In this case, a society where the government is brainwashing and torturing …show more content…

One of the most prominent themes of 1984 is government surveillance and control. The novel portrays a society where the government, through its pervasive “telescreen” and “Thought Police”, monitors and controls every aspect of its citizens. It was a constant displays of news, propaganda and wellness programming. The telesceen is much like our modern television; however, it displays only a single channel that can never be turned off and the screen also watches its viewers. In addition, there is a constant reminder that “Big Brother is Watching You”. Big Brother, who does not appear in the story directly, is the leader of Oceania, which is he country where Winston lives. Winston works at the “Ministry of Truth” to rewrite past newspaper reports to conform with the reality of the present. Winston fears the telescreen and wants to avoid it as much as possible. “The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it; moreover, so long as he remained within the field of vision which the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard” (George Orwell, 3). Winston was aware of its capability and realized all his actions would be monitored, so he was careful whenever he was in its field of view. Winston also recognized the there was very little he could do to avoid the …show more content…

For example, the government uses propaganda and censorship to control citizens' thoughts and beliefs. In modern-day life, we see similar examples of the manipulation of information and the control of the media. For instance, in some countries, the government controls the media and restricts the flow of information. Additionally, fake news and misinformation are rampant on social media platforms, influencing public opinion and potentially swaying elections. Governments around the world have been known to manipulate information and control social media for various reasons. They do this to maintain power and control over their citizens like in Russia and North Korea. Governments may manipulate information by censoring or blocking certain websites, news outlets, or social media platforms. They may also spread false information or propaganda to influence public opinion and discredit opposition. In addition, governments may use social media to monitor and track their citizens' online activities. This can include monitoring posts, messages, and comments, as well as tracking individuals' locations and online behavior. To control social media, governments may also pass laws and regulations that restrict free speech or require social media companies to comply with certain rules and regulations. In the United States, “Direct censorship of the internet is prohibited by the First Amendment with the

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