To What Extent Was The Old Kingdom Regime Focused Entirely On The Construction Of The Pyramids?

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‘To what extent was the economy of the Old Kingdom regime focused entirely on the construction of the pyramids?’ The Old Kingdom is predominantly famous for its pyramids, Mark quotes that it’s “possibly unparalleled in world history for the amount of construction they undertook” (Mark, 2016). This, with other facts, is what leads me to believing a large sum of the economy was directed towards pyramids construction, but not entirely. Old Kingdom Egypt is commonly referred to as the ‘Age of the Pyramids’ (Mark, 2016) due to the large quantity of pyramids constructed throughout. The large number of pyramids in Egypt built in the Old Kingdom shows that production of pyramids was a large part of Egyptian life in that period of time and would have therefore needed lots of funding due to the many factors you needed to consider. Bard states that Egypt’s first pyramids represent state control over resources including material and man power. After the successful consolidation of state control during the first two dynasties, the stage had been set for awe-inspiring royal projects in the 3rd and 4th dynasties of the Old Kingdom (Bard, …show more content…

There were multiple aspects taken into consideration when undergoing construction of pyramids that needed to be funded and organised in great detail. According to Bard, these included planning and organising rather complex work programs, engineering and designing the monuments, assembling the goods and materials required, and providing food, clothes and accommodation for thousands of workers. In order to provide all of this, a large part of the economy would have been focused on the construction. Nevertheless, Bard continues to tell us that pyramids got progressively smaller and less well constructed showing that not all the economy was focused on the

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