Tocqueville Revolution

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The 1848 French revolution, also known, as the February Revolution was one of many that took place in Europe in the 1840s. This revolution ended the monarchy rule and led to the French Second Republic to be formed. Following the fall of King Louis Phillippie to his throne in February at the beginning of the revolution, the elected government of the French Second Republic now ruled France. In the months that came, the people elected an assembly that took a course that became more conservative. But then many radical reforms were introduced and the plan was to dissemble the National Workshops that had been made to provide jobs to the unemployed. Suddenly workers were cut from payroll and no longer had a job. This plan to close the National Workshops …show more content…

“ For four days more than a hundred thousand men took part in it, and there were five generals killed, the strangest, because the insurgents were fighting without a battle cry, leaders, or flag, and yet they showed wonderful powers of coordination and a military expertise that astonished the most experienced officer” (Joshua Cole). This is a quote taken from one of Tocqueville’s viewpoints and you can really get a sense of how big and astonishing this uprising truly was. Also the fact that the objective of the revolution was not to change the form of government, but to change the organization of society as a whole made these events very distinguishable from past revolutions and all other events of the same format. Tocqueville was very sympathetic to the revolutionaries of June in the since that he felt sorry for the workers who were being manipulated by the higher Bourgeoisie class. “These poor people had been assured that the goods of the wealthy were in some way the result of a theft committed against themselves. They had been assured that inequalities of fortune were as much opposed to morality and the interests of society as to nature” (Joshua Cole). From this quote by Tocqueville you can get an understanding of how he feels when it comes to the revolutionaries that were trying to change how society was