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Indian Gideon Mauwee establishes a permanent settlement at a prime hunting and fishing place on the Housatonic River in Kent, inviting displaced Indians from all over Connecticut to join him. It is the nucleus of the Schaghticoke tribe.
Golden Hill Indians file protest with the Connecticut General Court that whites had taken over
7/8 of their reservation lands, pastured their hogs and cattle in the cornfields the Paugussetts needed for sustenance, and pulled down the wigwams they needed for shelter.
The General Court absolves the white squatters, reducing the reservation down to its last 12 acres. The Indians are 'compensated ' with an eight-acre rock-strewn woodlot three miles distant
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After complaints of European settler encroachment on indian land, the General
Assembly gives the Golden Hill 20 abutting acres now known as the Nimrod Lot and the Rocky
Hill Lot. Golden Hill remained the seat of the chief of the tribe, Tom Sherman, and his clan, who were regarded as the keepers of this sacred place.
The Revolutionary War begins. Tom Sherman joins an Indian brigade and fights zealously for the Patriot cause.
The First congress of the United States passes the Indian Trade and Non-Intercourse Act, requiring that Congress approve any sale of Indian land.
The Connecticut General Assembly permits the sale of the Nimrod and Rocky Hill lots, with the proceeds put in trust for the Golden Hill tribe. Tribal land in other towns is sold, or purchased and re-sold.
Settlement begins of an Indian village on the shores of Bridgeport Harbor a mile to the south of the town center.
William Sherman, pivotal chieftain of the Paugussett tribe, is born, probably at a woodland camp in the town of Monroe. He becomes first mate on whaling ships and ventures around the world eight times.
Turkey Hill Paugussett Joel Freeman moves from Derby to the Bridgeport Indian settlement and becomes its leader for the next 37 years.
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Indians from the South End settlement enlist together and fight valiantly in many of the major battles. Several die in action.
Rev. Samuel Orcutt completes his History of the Old Town of Stratford and the City of
Bridgeport. It gives a major biography of William Sherman and adds a detailed tribal history.
William Sherman deeds his home and lot over to the tribal overseer in perpetuity as a permanent land base for the Golden Hill tribe. He dies a few short months later.
Ethel Sherman, the daughter of a Paugussett and a Pequot, is born. She will marry four times and become Rising Star, clan mother of the Golden Hill tribe.
Aurelius H. Piper, the only son of Ethel Sherman, is born. His father is a Cherokee, according to a genealogy. Piper gradually assumes leadership of the tribe and becomes known as Chief Big
Ethel Sherman installed as 'Princess Rising Star ' in elaborate ceremonies at the reservation. It is attended by noted Indian activists from across America.
State Parks and Forestry Commission assumes oversight of Connecticut 's four recognized Indian tribes. 1938
George Sherman, chief of the Golden Hill tribe following the death of his father William, dies.
He is succeeded by his son Edward, 'Chief Black