Tomboyism And The Representations Of Gender Identity

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If women and men are to be respected equally then maybe the representations of gender are to reflect reality but for this to happen we must look at when and where such biases and prejudices usually form. However, boys are raised to conform to masculine roles and sometimes little girls adapt to these kind of roles and is accepted for them to adapt but inevitably it is stopped when they hit puberty. The reason girls are pressured to be more feminine is because it is a social desire for a female to contribute herself to being feminine. “Very often it is read as a sign of independence and self-motivation, and tomboyism may even be encouraged to the extent that it remains comfortably linked to a stable sense of a girl identity” tomboyism is only …show more content…

The Western culture as it prospers how "real" men should act and behave only to seek masculinity practice. What plays along with hegemonic masculinity traits is the identity of a heterosexual man depends on his dominant power and the subordination of women. The dominant masculine culture involves toughness and provides a legitimacy of their domination over women as a group. “One form of femininity is defined around compliance with this subordination and is oriented to accommodating the interests and desires of men. I will call this emphasized femininity'. Others are defined centrally by strategies of resistance or forms of non-compliance. Others again are defined by complex strategic combinations of compliance, resistance and co-operation.” (Schippers, Mimi, 2007), the norm of the hegemonic masculinity leads a woman to do whatever it takes to pleasure a man; it is seemed as an expectation of a women because she is complying with “her role as women” and that is where the author of this article refers it to an emphasizing …show more content…

Masculinity becomes excessive only when is portrayed by the black male or female body, Latinos/a, and working class, Insufficient masculinity is featured in Asian bodies or upper class. “Cultural and political power, it still makes a difference when masculinity coincides with biological maleness” (Female Masculinity page 16), the domination of masculinity is expected to lack when you are a minority because it is seem too much for society to handle; masculinity domination is only applaud when white men of the upper class perform

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