Tommy Douglass Impact On Canada

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What makes a person influential? Most of the people who are considered to be, have made great changes for the better, has a great deal of confidence, looked up to, and has impacted people’s lives. Tommy Douglas is one of the many Canadians that is said to be incredibly relevant, for he has helped, into implementing free health care which people have declared him to be “The Father of Medicare”. This has made him have a significant impact on Canadian’s quality of life because of his idea of instituting a Universal Health Care Program for the goal of a socialist government in Canada and better lives in Canada. When Douglas was 15, He had moved to Winnipeg on Oct. 20, 1904, from Scotland. He then moved to Saskatchewan, following his ordination …show more content…

Now, Douglas is proclaimed to be very relevant in Canadian history for the reason of the accomplishments that he acquired from the time he was still a politician. He received many loving followers and supporters because of how improved, the government was when he was still a premier. The improved government provided public pensions, expansion of Canada’s social safety net, social programs, especially the introduction of the Medicare. Douglas’s Universal Health Care Program is one of the reasons for his popularity and relevance to the people and Canada, it removes any sort of biasedly and discrimination that could occur in any patients that could be applying for it and for its policy of no charge to any citizens who is using it. Though in America, healthcare isn't free and solely can be obtained by paying for it by each individual, which raises their ideal of individuality, this makes their health care sort-of useless, in contrary to what it is meant. Canadians are very grateful, for as they know that other countries don’t get the kind of luxury they have been given and that has been given to them even for doing