Tomorrow When The War Began Themes

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The novel Tomorrow, When the War Began, written by Australian author John Marsden, contains
Ellie is a murderer yet she still retains our sympathy and support. Do you agree? mature themes
Destinie R, 8 Catherine including the horrors of war. In the text, Ellie Linton, the main character focused on, takes the lives of three soldiers, yet she still retains our sympathy and support. Ellie was defending herself and her friends from dying, so that they are able to help their families and friends escape hostage, and therefore, isn’t considered to be a murderer. After coming to the realisation that she did in fact take the lives of three other people, it is quite obvious how she begins to display signs of remorse and guilt. The …show more content…

To add on, Ellie comes to the realisation that she had killed three people - people she’d never seen or never known about until that moment. If Ellie really was a murderer, she wouldn’t have shown remorse and guilt as soon as the fire had attacked the soldiers.“It was hard for me to believe that I, plain old Ellie, nothing special about me, middle of the road in every way, had probably just killed three people. It was too big a thing for me to get my mind around. When I thought of it baldly like that: killed three people, I was so filled with horror. I felt that my life was permanently damaged, that I could never be normal again, that the rest of my life would just be a shell. Ellie might walk and talk and eat and drink but the inside Ellie, her feelings, was condemned to wither and die. I didn 't think much about the three soldiers as people: I couldn 't, because I had no real sense of them. I hadn 't even seen their faces properly. I didn 't know their names or ages or families or backgrounds, the way they thought about life. I still didn 't know what country they were from. Because I didn 't