Tornado-Personal Narrative Analysis

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Have you ever been in a natural disaster? Have seen a hurricane or a tornado? I have seen a Tornado in person, I lived through one back where I used to live in the Columbia plateau region. On 2007 April 19th I lived in small an apartment with my mother and my sister. I woke up thinking it was going to be a normal day I ate breakfast and got dressed. Throughout day the wind was picking up and was changing directors.
The windows shattered, wind flood into the room, glass flying everywhere. My mother picked up my sister and I ran down the stairs to the car. We drove to the nearest hospital for safety and shelter. When we arrived at the hospital a police officer ran out to help us. The front doors of hospital blue off as we got out of the car. As we got inside the police officer noticed that my sisters had was covered in blood. …show more content…

The doctors made her soak her hand in this hot water paste substance do to her being cut for about 10 to 15 minutes. They glued her two fingers together that were cut and left it like that for 3 to 6 weeks. I felt scared when the lights went out in the hospital. When we came home a day later or apartment had shattered windows and broken doors. The nearby apartments had shattered windows, broken doors as well, but what shocked me the most was that there was an apartment missing its entire roof. There were also cars that were flipped over. That’s when we start to fix, rebuild and clean up what the tornado had ruined.
I never want to live through a natural disaster again. It was scary and made me thing about the world or Mother Nature differently. Mother Nature is dangerous and deadly leaving its mark with every natural disaster. It wasn’t just scare though, because after we picked up our neighborhood and helped pick the town we went out for ice

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