Torture In The 1800's

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Since the 1800’s many things have changed things including the way people lived in the jail,the court and the capital,and torture. Torture has changed in many ways including how you were toured and why you were tortured. Also the the court systems were starting to change which led them to go downhill. With all the changes riots began to happen which led to people being sent to a broken jail system.
The court system started changing when judges were starting to replace god in the judgment seat. One of the changes that happen was when the italian glossators, created a law of proof where the conviction of someone had to be based upon the testimony of two unimpeachable eyewitnesses. If there weren't two eyewitnesses the criminal court could not convict an accused who contested the charges against him. While the italians did not make their level of safeguard so high on the other the europeans did. They created a system of proof that could be effective only in cases that involved overt crime or repentant criminals. Since society could longer tolerate …show more content…

Hanging was common in the 18th century that it rose to about 200 hangings. What was worse was that theses people were hung in front of a public crowd.The only people who could carry out this hangings where the Assize judges. The reason for hanging was for those people who committed serious offenses like murder or serious theft. The prison Act of 1868 many any execution take place inside prison walls and not in front of a crowd.There were also punishments that did not consist of death like imprisonment and physical punishment. The imprisonment was like today where you are kept in a chamber or a cell and you are kept there for as long as your sentence is. The other punishment that did not consist of death was physical punishment. These punishments consisted of whipping and making people eat things like soap,hot sauce or any other unpleasant