Totalitarian Government Essay

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There are a variety of government styles that are practices around the world by different countries including republic, dictatorship and totalitarian. In the book 1984, written by George Orwell, a totalitarian government rules over society, making every decision without the council of the people. The mindless robots who live under this government’s control, known as the Party, have given up all power and their trust to their leaders. This extreme instance of a totalitarian government is a warning of what could be possible should society depend solely on the government and give up their individuality. In difficult times people usually rely on those who are stronger to look after them, but sometimes they go too far, putting all their faith …show more content…

There are ways to resist this end result which includes family. In one of Winston’s early conversations with Julia they talk about the family and how, in a way, “the family had become an extension of the thought police” (Orwell, 133). Families are no longer connected by loyalty as they once were, instead they put the Party before all else. The Party has made enemies out of everyone so that they believe the one thing they can really trust is the Party. This means that if families were to stick together and be loyal to one another they would not be able to be put under the control of a government, much like the proles. Members of the Party can only be considered human in the biological sense, but proles “had stayed human...they had held on to the primitive emotions” (165). The Proles were able to keep the emotions such as love and loyalty which differentiate them from the mindless robots working for the Party. By keeping the emotions that make people human, the Proles were outside the Party, they were able to resist total control by the government. In a sense what Orwell is trying to say is that people have to keep their morals and ideals or they will be taken over. By keeping one's individuality they can not be absolutely controlled and can not be tricked into giving absolute

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