Totalitarian Government In The Book 1984

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Today’s current society is no where near the totalitarian government that is depicted in the novel 1984. Especially in this beautiful country that we live in today, freedom rings, and the advances in surveillance and technology in general will never take that away from Americans. Big Brother will never be a big threat in the United States of America because Big Brother’s older sister is Lady Liberty is in charge. The society of Oceania is a total nightmare and is what those thought would happen to the world if a socialist or communist group took over. The technology used in 1984 makes it so there is no freedom in what the people do and limits their entire life in general. If things went differently after world war two, the corrupt radical political groups possible could …show more content…

These groups main motivation was to work for control and by obtaining control of the world they would have to obtain complete control of everybody’s mind set and say that what they were doing was for the greater good of mankind. From the perspective of the leaders of the totalitarian government there would be so much paranoia of revolt that this would be the only way to stop a rebellion. But hey guess what, they didn’t win the war… America and the allies did and after the world was great again. Even in our perfect country there are still some problems that take place within the countries boundaries, such as crime, corruption, and caution. For all these faults that face the United States of America technology is helping advance the proper procedure in fixing them and creating a safer living environment. In Richard