Totalitarianism In 1984

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Many people in today’s society take their freedom for granted. They don’t think about what happened to get them to this point of freedom or how close they were to not having any at all. Around the time of World War Two, George Orwell wrote 1984 as an example of what could happen if the world was controlled by totalitarian governments. In 1984, the Party uses what makes people human against them. The Party changes the outlet of human emotions and instincts to keep people in line with the Party. The first instance of this is the Two Minutes Hate, during which people are to express their hatred of a Party approved source. This is meant to let people express their anger without turning it against the Party. The Party also expects all of its members to dedicate their free time to Party activities such as the Junior Anti-Sex League, preparing for Hate Week and community hikes. By participating in Party activities, members don’t have time to think …show more content…

People who display their humanity are captured, accused and convicted of thoughtcrime. One of the men in prison with Winston tries to help another man who is starving by giving him a piece of bread from his pocket. This man was showing human emotions which is why he was arrested. There was a similar fate for many people from before the revolution. People from the previous time period were either sent to forced labor camps or killed. The Party didn’t want anyone who knew of a time before it to remain and contradict the past it was creating for itself. Since the Party couldn’t actually get rid of every person from before the revolution they created a new class of people, the proles. The Party doesn’t control the proles and excuse this by saying “proles and animals are free” (62). The Party doesn’t want its members to think that the proles are human because they have the freedom to do what they want without restrictions whereas Party members don’t have this

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