Totem Poles Research Paper

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What are Totem Poles? Totem Poles are further than just carvings. They are stories that contain personal meanings and must be represented by symbols and animals. The Poles, were first made by the Northwest Coast Haida, Tlingit, and Tsimshian Indians in Southeast Alaska and British Columbia. You are going to read my totem pole, my story.
In the head of my Totem Pole the goat is sitting. The goat, just like me, possesses the characteristic of having a love-hate relationship with our friends. This animal additionally embraces independence. An example of my independence is my attempt to deliver my prime effort while accomplishing my homework. One extra quality that represents the goat and me is the ability to distract ourselves with our inquiring minds. Wait, what should I eat tomorrow? …show more content…

The wolf contains strength, is fervent, and is disturbed by the thought of being alone. Those behaviors link to me, contrary to those people who must have their “alone time.” Some people are different; we detest being unaccompanied. I prefer being around crowds and being chatty. Being around people makes me feel complete and makes me realize how each one of us is unparalleled. I am additionally a mentally strong human being for the reason that I can learn from my mistakes and criticism. I do not carry the past with me and cede.
The third carving on my totem pole is worshiping the serpent. Positivity, change, and spiritual transformation are personalities the snake embraces. Change is a tremendous component of my life. It can expand from a favorite song to a different lifestyle. Not to mention that my positiveness has benefited me through my growth as a human being. It has helped me understand the full picture and feel less stress along with reducing pressure on me. As Willie Nelson stated, “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive