Touching The Void Monologue

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Touching the void Act 1 It had been an unwise pursuit to begin with, we: Simon and I had somehow got it into our heads to climb the entire treacherous mount Siula Grande in one go. Though at first things had gone surprisingly well, we had than run out of fuel. Without the source of heat and water we had to climb down dangerously fast. That’s when things went horribly wrong. A storm started and we had no choice but to continue fearing lack of hydration if we stopped to build a snow cave, and then… I fell, my leg broke from the impact of the fall, and I knew at once, only one of us could make it off this godforsaken peak, and it wasn’t going to be me, But Simon had still insisted we carried on; he lowered me down the horrid slope, using ropes …show more content…

But fate was not done with us yet. I was being lowered to fast, I went over a huge ledge and was left hanging out in the open air, I knew I was too heavy, there was no way Joe could hold on to the mountain. 150 feet above much longer, he didn’t know what had happened to me. He didn’t realize I was hanging suspended miles above the ground. Not knowing I was miles up he had no choice, lest I pull him off the mountain. He then did something I knew to be justified, but I still could not forgive him for… He cut the rope, at first I had felt air, rushing air blowing past me, and then I had hit the ground, the icy visage of the ground split, and I fell into darkness… I awoke on a ledge, about 100 feet down from the initial hole I had smashed through the ice. I was too far down to attempt to climb back up, and even so I had lost all my equipment. So here I am, lying on a ledge above a void of darkness, with no equipment, a broken leg, and without hope. I know even the slightest movement could have me spiraling into the darkness below. My only tool the 100 meters of rope I fell with after Joe cut it. Joe, even the thought of him made my blood boil, that traitor had cut me off and let me fall, to …show more content…

Air rushes past me, wind pushing at my body as I fall, soaring through the darkness of death, the fast route to the underworld, than the rope catches. It jerks through my hands like a hot snake. My arms feel like their being ripped from their sockets, it is all I can do to take the pain without blacking out. Slowly the burning, excruciating pain fades; I have no doubt that I just dislocated both my arms. My blurred vision slowly clears and I look around, I hang at the edge of my rope, even with the light of my headlamp I hang suspended, darkness in all directions, “Frick” I mutter squinting below me to the sight of nothing but darkness. I grip the rope above me tighter to searing pain in response; I loosen my grip, suddenly dizzy. I hang for what feels like forever. All hope lost, just waiting to die, and

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