Tracking And Privacy In Terms Of Service By Silverman

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With technology always evolving, it is usually seen as a positive ideal. Usually these advancements help make everyday tasks easier to complete. Along with the helpful reconstruction of our everyday lives, comes some underlying issues. Throughout Terms of Service, Silverman explains that the giant corporations are constantly tracking us and how it may lead to a negative outcome. With these tech giants, along with the government being able to see our every move, it can lead to the ultimate demise of our privacy due to tracking of recent purchases, social media or even the government.
With today’s technology, the tracking can stem from many different sources and continuously grows. “A significant amount of attention has been paid over the past …show more content…

We don’t have any way to fight against this because it is in the terms of service of the sites that we sign up for. Most people will not read the terms because they are “too long” and they may not be necessary. The majority of social media users will skip the reading step and go straight to posting. “Many people, however, willingly post personal information about themselves on the Internet for all the world to see” (Social Networking and Privacy). With most people simply skipping over the Terms and Conditions, ultimately they are at a huge disadvantage. The sites can then sell information to larger corporations, track your searches, and even get personal information with ease. The only way you can get out of this endless stalking from big corporations is to simply not use social media sites. It can be argued that social media is the sole reason for being watched, but as stated before, what you purchase is also watched by the sites. Along with the endless stalking from corporate giants, the government agencies have also been in the …show more content…

Most would assume that these organizations would come around eventually to help the greater good, but are sadly mistaken. “Traditionally, two bodies have acted to protect the rights of those online: the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and state attorneys general… Recently, though, the FTC has changed its philosophy on these matters, using its powers to enforce privacy policies on social media sites to force many social media sites into both monetary settlements and long-term consent order permitting the FTC to exercise greater control over the site’s policies” (Privacy Laws and Social Media Sites). With these constant pushes, they will take social media sites on with a force, a force that will get your privacy lessened, to their