Trader Joe's Essay

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According to the textbook, a marketing concept should meet the needs of a customer. Furthermore, a marketing concept should meet the benchmarks, or goals of the company (Benoy & Webb, 2018). The four P’s of marketing are product, price, promotion, and place (Benoy & Webb, 2018). The product would be something to meet a customers need. A price is what is given for the product. A promotion is what the seller is communication to the buyer, and buyer to seller. Lastly, a place is where the seller is getting the product to the customer. A company that has taken advantage of many of the “4 P’s of marketing” is Trader Joe’s. Trader Joe’s has found ways to lower the price and provide unmatched client interaction (Kerin & Hartley, 2018). Marketing and sales …show more content…

In order to reach the younger generations churches.The generational cohorts that are currently in existence are the Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y. the Baby boomer generation is currently retiring and they have characteristics that many Americans would now view as “traditional”. Baby boomers are hard working, and often equate self worth with their position and work (Benoy & Webb, 2008). Generation X is far more diverse than Baby boomers, they are educated, and they often can be seen as a bridge between Millennials and Baby boomers due to their “middle ground” lifestyles between the two. Millennials are extremely interested in social media and sustainability (Kotler, 2011). Moreover, millennials tend to advocate for what they believe in quite strongly, causing them to be viewed by older generations such as Baby boomers as weak and entitled. A commercial that is shown in the book is an airline advertisement for a first class flight. Airline flights are advertised to Generation Y because it has become the generation that holds the largest segment of business travelers (Benoy & Webb,

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