Traditional Bullying Vs Cyber Bullying Essay

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Many have heard of the saying “sticks and stones may break my bones,but words will never hurt me”,well words do hurt and in so many ways. As people may wonder about this everyday issue and what differences there are between traditional and Cyberbullying, maybe about what different types there are,what the impacts are on a person but where does it happen,and what we can do about it. Bullying has been an issue and has been for many years it can happen to anyone and anywhere,the thing is its affecting people in so many ways,its destroying peoples confidence, their happiness and their appearance, even their reputations. Bullying is not something anyone wants to experience in their lives and the worse part is,people do notice and are to afraid to speak up to stop it. As there are two types of bullying traditional and cyberbullying,but what is the difference between them,there is not much of a difference,traditional bullying is an aggressive behavior towards the victim by threatening to cause harm to the person. Bullying takes place in front of others and during school hours,where cyberbullying occurs with …show more content…

The Canadian Bullying Statistics say that Canada is the highest rate of bullying in the 13 year old category,and 1 of 3 teenagers reported being bullied recently,as adults 38% of males and 30% of females said they have experienced bullying in their school years,and 47% of parents have reported that their child has been a victim of bullying,and when the bullying is repeated the victim may start to experience the thoughts of suicide to stop the pain,as girls are more likely to be bullied online than boys are,and only 7% of adults have reported that they have been cyberbullied,73% of victims have reported that they have received threatening or aggressive instant messages through cyberbullying, and in the workforce 40% of Canadians have been bullied on a weekly

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