Trains And Railroads Change Life In America Essay

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How Did Trains and Railroads Change Life in America? Prior to the Industrial Revolution, many people relied on slow and strenuous methods of transportation such as bandwagons, horses, and walking. Many life-changing inventions were created in America during the Industrial Revolution, such as the cotton gin and sewing machine. Although these inventions influenced many changes America, there was one invention that vitaly impacted the country which was the development of trains and railroads. This creation was powered by steam engines that could travel long distances in a short period of time on their own across the country. Trains and railroads reshaped life in America by encouraging rapid immigration and travel, paving the way for western modernization and settlement, and economically growing cities …show more content…

This was due to a great surge of immigration from people all around the world. The U.S was known and perceived as the land of freedom and opportunity. Many migrated to the United States to flee from the violence, persecution, prejudice, poverty, and many other external factors that they had faced in their own country. By going to America, they would have freedom and better wellbeing. Rapid immigration was also due to many immigrants seeking economic welfare because of the large amount of job opportunities created from the development of factories. By the end of the industrial revolution, over 25 million immigrants were in America. Many people had traveled from across the world to be in the “land of the free”. Many of these immigrants came from parts of Europe such as Germany, England, Scandinavia, and Ireland as well as from Asia like China, India, and Vietnam. For immigrants that managed to get into America, many if not all used trains and railroads to go across a variety of places in Americas to start a new life whether it was with their family or by