Tranny Vs Tyranny

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Tyranny may occur in many forms of government. It is not limited to a single person or a group of people. Tyranny may be separated into two forms: tyranny of the individual and tyranny of the majority. Although both are detrimental, I believe that tyranny of the majority can be more socially destructive than that of an individual. Whenever the authority exceeds the power given to him by law he may be overthrown. Tyranny in the 18th century has posed many dangers on civil societies. A good example is depicted by America gaining independence in 1776.
The original thirteen colonies of the United States of America suspired for freedom, independence, and liberty. The colonies were facing constant tyranny of the majority from Great Britain. This was due to a bombardment of many laws, taxes, and acts by the king and parliament that the colonies did not wish to obey anymore. The colonists in the United States of America felt that all of the things that Britain was asking for wasn’t fair. This was partly due to the fact that the colonists have no representatives in the British parliament and Britain was collecting taxes and money to reduce the debt for the French and Indian War. The first of these measures was The Stamp Act of 1765. It created a tax on newspapers, licenses, and most things that dealt with paper. Although the cost of the Stamp Act wasn’t that high, it was the principle it set that was displeasing to the colonists. This tax was believed to gain money instead of