
Transforming An Organization Through A Bunch Of Sap's By Denise Bevan

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Background and Significance of This Managerial Need
Local government is viewed by many as being slow, inefficient, non-customer service friendly, rule-driven, and non-innovative. This way of thinking has trickled down to local government employees. Culture within local government is much like that of citizens views. There is a need to change and improve local government services and processes. How can management start to change and improve when there is low employee morale? One main attributing factor is because management does not recognize the talent within their own workforces. There are visionaries, future leaders, or employees with a proactive approach willing to step up within these organizations but have yet to be offered a voice, a chance to unleash their potential. …show more content…

In 2000-2010 Palm Coast was officially designated the “fastest growing metropolitan area” in the country by the U.S. Census Bureau (United States Census Bureau, 2012). The recession slowed the economy down so much that the City of Palm Coast suffered from its effects, much like many other local governments and businesses. With the demand of cutbacks, there were less resources. This was a time of serious budget constraints and merit-increase freezes for the City of Palm Coast. The City Manager, Jim Landon, came up with a brilliant idea! One that is innovative and would accomplish the goals of keeping employees motivated by recognizing talent within the workforce, maintaining a high quality of life in the City of Palm Coast, and will move the long-term vision of the Palm Coast City Council forward in a positive

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