The debate over Transgenders creates more heat than light. It's the process of not agreeing with the gender you were born with. While some may agree that Transgenders should be accepted and should be given more rights, it shouldn't be okay and it should be prohibited. Giving more protection to Transgenders would interfere with everyone else's privacy and rights. Its said that problems cannot be created against a Transgender otherwise it would be called discrimination and be against the law. Although discrimination is against the law, it's also against the law to take away privacy from the people. It has been placed in a few states were Transgenders are not allowed in restrooms, locker rooms, and some public places to protect the other people. …show more content…
Some of the biggest problems come from places that are open to the public, like bathrooms, locker rooms, pools, etc. There have been multiple cases were transgenders would fight for their rights but have been shut down because it's considered a mental disorder called Gender Dysphagia. People who have Gender Dysphagia are people who do not believe their gender fits their biology. According to"This is a public safety issue, not a discrimination issue," Mr. Patrick said in a recent interview. "It's about common courtesy and privacy, particularly for women.” On a certain level it people could take it as discrimination, but there's multiple reasons behind why it may be discrimination. One of the major problems with being a Transgender is that anyone can pretend to be one even if they aren't just to get to certain goals. For Example, one can say they are a certain sex just to get into the private places with whatever gender they want to be with. At a Seattle swimming pool, a male clammed he was transgender and went into a women's locker room. He abused his right and should not be able to get it back. Issues like that could be avoided by not giving