Transitioning To High School Essay

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Good morning teachers, family, and future high schoolers. As we are transitioning to high school I would just like to share some of my lasting experiences I have had through my middle school career. While I’m reflecting on the personal memories I have had, try to think about the best memories you had.
The class of 2022 is a very exceptional grade, we are very large, but also a hard working class. I remember that one time at the Reindeer Games when we were playing mini basketball and got in stuck in the clock barrier, so we had to work together to get it down and that is a memorable time we all shared. We wouldn’t have been able to do that if we hadn’t worked together. These are the kind of memories that we take a cherish through are last years of school.
These past years have been really memorable and I’ve created a bunch of new memories as well as friendships. I would like my classmates to remember me as that girl that always steered to be better, that is respectful, and someone that is courteous. When I walked in middle school as a 6th grade student I didn’t know what I got myself into. I had thought, how rough can it be, isn’t it just like elementary …show more content…

Snyder. My math teacher this year is a fantastic, humorous teacher. I was put in a different math class this year but I was beginning to doubt myself. I didn’t believe I could do it, but Mr. Snyder was there the whole time telling me I could do it, he always believed in me. So I just want to thank him for believing in me when I didn’t even believe in myself. He made us laugh all the time like when Kaley said to him, “ Mr. Snyder, look at this really pretty picture of a sunset.” Then he said, “ Kaley, I’m colorblind.” Or when Dereck thought that being colorblind means you can only see black and white. Oh and I can’t forget the times that we played pictionary at the end of every class. These are the type of memories that will stick with us for a long