Transnational Mothering: Article Analysis

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Firstly, transnational mothering gives women the feeling of mental instability that affects them emotionally due to the precarious work they are required to do. In Sedef Arat- Koç's article the concept of transnational mothering is defined as immigrant women coming into Canada as domestic workers by leaving their own children behind in their home country in order to look after the children of employers(Arat- Koç's, 364). The notion of transnational mothering is seen as a form of social reproduction that plays a major role in the health of immigrant women which leads them to subjective trauma. Through his article he shows the experiences of the immigrant women coping with long term periods of separation from their families and the psychological dimensions …show more content…

Additionally, it was not just powerful feelings of responsibility and guilt that made family separation painful for immigrant domestic workers, however it was a deprivation of the women's own needs for intimacy and support because they were doing this for their families back home and needed family encouragement to keep going. Transnational mothering is a case that illustrates the increase in the transnationalization of reproductive work that crystallizes the inhumanity of capitalist reproduction at the global level and to hide problems of the organization under a neo-liberal state. This relates to the weak welfare state and how the choice for some immigrant women to become employed as domestic workers is based on class privileges that employers take advantage of because employers hire vulnerable and underpaid immigrant workers. Arat- Koç implies the concept of precarious work of how these immigrant mothers are treated unfairly due to the rights which they are given and suffer mentally from the separation and neglect from their