Triathlon Coach Essay

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Becoming an online triathlon coach is not as hard as it may seem. It helps to have a mentor which in this business will usually require a certain percentage of your take-home profits in order to show you the ropes. When I started out I would fork over %50 of my earnings to the "head" coach. Looking back at this now it seems quite crazy that I did it. However, I am providing some tips/insight into how you can at least get started with your triathlon coaching business online. There will be a few things you must do in order to start and I will outline them below. 1) First thing is to get certified as a USA Triathlon Level I Coach. This will set you back approximately $1,000.00 and you must take approximately a week to go through the class which is …show more content…

4) I am assuming you will have already completed a few triathlons at this point and it helps to totally love this sport. I mean, you have to really love all three sports and sports in general to do this. If you just want to make a few extra bucks and are not really into it then you can pretty much stop reading now. 5) Market yourself. Get a website. 6) Peruse's "forum" page and answer questions for athletes seeking advice. Answer only those questions you feel qualified to answer and be honest. It is okay to list your website in your signature but avoid attempting to answer every question that appears on the forum. 7) Devour and read everything you can about training, triathlon and especially online marketing. Triathlon coaching isn't rocket science and neither is online marketing. However, it takes a great deal of time and patience before you see any results. 8) Go after the low lying fruit in your immediate area. Just because you are an online coach doesn't mean you still can't approach people who live next door or in your community. People will see you training for your next triathlon and naturally begin to ask you what you are

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