Tricketmaster's Position In The Ticket Industry

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This analysis report contains Ticketmaster’s position in the ticket industry, how it has been doing over the past couple of year in the industry, as well as Ticketmaster’s image. The report goes over information about Ticketmaster and its parent company Live Nation. It compares Ticketmaster to other competitors in the ticket industry, while going over possible outcomes if Ticketmaster does not change somethings. The end of the report includes recommendations for Ticketmaster on how it can revamp its image and how it can keep its ticket sales at a good steady level, so it can stay on the top of the ticket industry. OBJECTIVE After analyzing the ticket industry and Ticketmaster’s competitors, establish some ways that Ticketmaster can revamp …show more content…

Eventually, they merged with Live Nation in 2010. They have been the top dog in the industry, since the beginning, but new ticketed companies backed up by fortune 500 companies, like Amazon and eBay, to try and take down the industry giant. After Live Nation merged with Ticketmaster, their stock prices have only gone up starting at 9.90 a share in 2013, to 44.40 a share in 2018. Unfortunately, Live Nations profit margin has always been going up and down constantly over the past 5 years. In September of 2017, Live Nations net profit margin went from 3.83% to -2.29% in May of 2018. This allowed competitors to catch up with Ticketmaster, putting them in a position where they can be taken out of the top spot in the ticket industry. Ticket sales is how Ticketmaster makes all of its money and with how Ticketmaster is perceived right now, as well as how they have been doing economically over the past year, Ticketmaster need to step up its game to stay on top of the ticket industry, otherwise competitors, like Stub hub will steal the spot from …show more content…

With Live Nation has a parent company, they could defiantly be doing more together, that would benefit both companies significantly. Also, the image that surrounds Ticketmaster is not a good one and needs to be fixed as soon as possible, so that it does not affect ticket sales anymore. RECOMMENDATIONS After carefully analyzing the data and information, Ticketmaster should try to change the image that is surrounding them right now. All over the internet, there are reviews and forums about people talking about bad experiences with Ticketmaster, causing them to lose out on potential customers, as well as existing ones. Even though Ticketmaster has made strides in the right direction in the customer service department, whether it be a 3-day-refund policy or a no-hassle exchange policy, people are still having bad experiences. Ticketmaster really needs to change and be attentive towards the customer service department, so they can keep existing customers, while gaining new

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