Trifles By Susan Glaspell Essay

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“Trifles” is a play written by Susan Glaspell. This play was based on true events that happened in Iowa in the 1900s. John Hossack was asleep in his bedroom, when he was suddenly hit with an ax twice on the right-side of his head leading to his death. Margaret Hossack, his wife, claimed to have not seen who did this to her husband as she laid in the bed next to him. There were no signs of a break-in entry and no one saw anyone,with no visible neighbors to watch out for each other the murder was unsettling. Many people had said Margaret was rarely seen or heard from, although she was not always like this but as time went on less and less of her was seen. According to the family, Mr.Hossack was a mean man that also was abusive. It could be inferred that there was a history of domestic violence within the household. But to the public he was seen to be the most successful farmer and well respected by the community, a well built man. Patricia L Byran is a New York City University …show more content…

Women did not make homicide law as it existed in 1916: they could not be judges; they could not be legislators; they could not vote until 1920; they could not serve on juries in most states until the 1940s. Susan Glaspell's literary masterpiece,it has caused us to reexamine our moral and legal norms. In contrasting the values of men and women. The focus of her critiques was inform the people and stating facts about the system. As time goes on people are more informed on these problems although the system is not perfect it tries to be somewhat fair to all cases with both men and woman. Both reviews were extremely positive toward the play because it was a good deed to the people in general. The play inform men how women felt, it gave them more of an understanding on they could necessary see with their own

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